The labour administration of St. Kitts and Nevis has delivered a package of revolutionary policies for the young generation of the island nation. The emphasize has been laid on providing the future of the country with their right to education and making it easier for them.
Prime Minister Dr. Terrance Drew, shared about this update on his social media regarding the ongoing educational policies in the federation. He shared that the labour administration has guaranteed education to the students of St. Kitts and Nevis up to the college level, so that everyone can get access to education easily and contribute to the development of their birthland.
The second guarantee the residents have been offered under the PM Drew led administration, is medical care for all the children. Under this the children of the island nation are to receive free medical checkups and treatment when needed and also an option to get treated abroad is there in case the island does not have the required treatment or procedures available.
The third mentioned policy includes “The children’s financial education and savings program”, under which the residents of island can take care after the finances for the child’s education and also the government has introduced the saving program which would help the people to save up for their kid’s higher education and send them abroad to gain knowledge at the global level.
Prime Minister Drew further stated that, such policies have been implemented to secure the children in the present and in the future as well. He also declared that this package is unique to St. Kitts and Nevis.
“All children are guaranteed education, healthcare and financial security,” stated PM Drew in his post shared on his Facebook Page. It also includes, labour party is all about providing the policies that actually are beneficial to the residents.