World Mental Health Day was celebrated under the theme “It’s time to prioritize Mental Health in the Workplace” in St. Kitts and Nevis.
The Government of St. Kitts and Nevis celebrated World Mental Health Day on October 10, 2024. This year’s theme was “It’s time to prioritize Mental Health in the Workplace”. Prime Minister of St. Kitts and Nevis, Terrance Drew, has introduced trained professionals for mental health counseling. The Prime Minister has also approved the application of a drug use policy.
Prime Minister Terrance Drew put light on the importance of mental health. He added that mental health is as important as physical health. This year, the government has started discussions with youths about mental health. Young people below the age group of 25 are advised to share their challenges and personal stories during counseling. An individual can share their personal story if the environment is friendly. This helps the person to develop communication skills.
The Prime Minister of St. Kitts and Nevis observed Mental Health Day on 7th April 2024. As a Health Minister, he is more focused towards the importance of mental health. He said it’s an individual’s responsibility to look for raising awareness, promoting education, and supporting organizations that work for mental health well-being. Youths can change the country by spreading awareness among people.
He focused on the fact that health conditions are related to each other. Availability of sufficient drinking water, nutritious food, good workplace, and good education are the primary human rights. He highlighted that, absence of any one of these rights can affect mental health conditions. It is recorded that people who are financially weak, usually suffer from several health problems.
Director of the National Counseling Centre, Michele de la Coudray Blake, mentioned that social media has a greater role in bringing out awareness to challenges and issues faced by people across the world. However, there are many youths who ruin their mental health because of social media. She also said that young people must know that they have the right to speak up when they feel bad.
These days youths are aware of their rights and their ability to talk to somebody about it. If they ever feel uncomfortable they should address it bravely. She also highlighted the fact that physical activities should be promoted among youths. Regular physical exercises and workouts can improve mental health and reduce stress.
Mental health is important because it has a huge impact on the overall health of an individual. Bad mental conditions can cause several other physical diseases. Hence, the government of St. Kitts and Nevis has taken several initiative steps advocating for mental health.
Prime Minister of St. Kitts and Nevis, Terrace Drew, assured the government’s constant promise towards strengthening the national health system. Increasing efforts towards mental health shows the government’s commitment towards the citizens. He added the government is now putting more efforts in fighting non communicable diseases, and promoting mental health.